Here's a pic from the Gettysburg Daily web site posted in March. It shows the 38th PA near Little Round Top and the soldier is probably very sad today. Here is the caption posted with this photo: |
The 38th Pennsylvania Infantry monument is always well-lit in the afternoon light this time of year … This view was taken facing east at approximately 3:40 PM on Wednesday, March 28, 2012.
If you
have been reading the Gettysburg Daily as I have over the past few years you
will appreciate the sad news posted on their web site today. If you have NOT
been reading the daily posts you have been missing some outstanding
Gettysburg/Civil War goodness. Every day they post panoramic photos or video
blogs/series about a whole host of topics. It is truly the first
place I check every morning. Anyway... this morning when I checked I saw the
message which I cut and pasted below. Read it and weep with me:
After over four years and thousands of hours of putting up
daily posts on things kind of related to Gettysburg, the Gettysburg Daily is
going to be taking an indefinite break, starting today. We’ll still be posting
some content in the weeks to come, but no longer on a daily basis. Rest
assured, everyone behind the scenes is in good health, but other obligations
have made this hiatus a necessity.
We have learned an immense amount doing
this project and have been amazed by the support we’ve received over the years
and at seeing how many people have visited the website — your kind comments,
emails, and donations allowed us to become a much stronger site today than we
were at the beginning. For now, think of us as “Gettysburg, Every Once in a
While.” Please subscribe to our
feed if you are interested in future updates.
All the best,
Gettysburg Daily
Well if you like
all stuff Gettysburg and Civil War in general you should check it out. Go to
the Archive Section on their site to to look at a daily listing OR go to the
section that has the Guides listed. They have a whole particular series there.
This makes it easier to see what catches your fancy and you can click the links
for each episode.
I sure hope they
come back soon. Perhaps they just need a break to re-charge their batteries. I
know it is a LOT of work. With the 150th anniversary coming up next
year they will hopefully be posting many more daily gems. We can only
Go to the Links to
check it all out.
And for all you Mothers out there Happy Mother's Day! Thanks
Mom. Even though I know she doesn't have a computer (or "puter" as
she calls it) or even know how to turn it on if she had one, remember to thank your
Mom too. Well... call her for sure.