Recently I’ve been on a buying CW books and reading frenzy. Listed below are a few of the ones I’ve completed. There a dozen more which I haven’t gotten around to yet so perhaps when I do finish them I’ll pass along my thoughts.
Anyway, Liked them all and would recommend them if you like details. Personally I have read many many books on battles and I still have many yet to read but… I’m getting tired of them. It’s rare when you read a new book that finds something different that you haven’t already read. They get written but overall not too much is new. I really like the books that focus in on small parts of a battle and you get REAL detail. You can’t beat personal accounts and what the soldiers said themselves. This is what I’m interested most of all. I want to know what they saw, felt, wore, and ate just everything! The books below fit this bill.
The books below written by RL Murray are all short, only about 40 pages or so. He relies upon memoirs or letters. There were tidbits which I had never read before so they all had merit to my way of thinking. The book about artillery tactics a bit less so because I had read this kinda thing beforeI found best. He has done a bunch of books on the topic of cavalry and all are good. He usually covers little known or written about topics. The bad thing is that they are going out of print real quick! Do not hesitate to buy what interests you RIGHT NOW and don’t wait. Protecting the Flanks I bought last year and loved it. I think it was only $20 or so at the time. Now it is out of print crazy expensive new! One seller has it for $80 and another even more! If you see them in a store buy it now. Don’t wait.
The books written by Ronald S. Coddington are very different but still fit what I am looking for. Each book focuses two or three pages just on one ordinary soldier at a time and his story with CDV. These are good. Many small stories with strange, sad and interesting back grounds.
Gettysburg's Forgotten Cavalry Actions
Eric J. Wittenberg
Protecting the Flanks: The Battles for Brinkerhoff's Ridge and East Cavalry Field, Battle of Gettysburg, July 2-3, 1863
Eric J. Wittenberg
Hurrah for the ould flag! The true story of Captain Andrew Cowan and the First New York Independent Battery at Gettysburg
R. L Murray
Artillery tactics of the Civil War: A study of the tactical use of artillery based on the first day's battle at Gettysburg
R. L Murray
The Redemption of the 'Harper's Ferry Cowards': The Story of the 111th and 126th New York State Volunteer Regiments at Gettysburg
R. L. Murray
"Nothing could ever exceed their bravery": New Yorkers in defense of Little Round Top
R. L Murray
The Redemption of the 'Harper's Ferry Cowards': The Story of the 111th and 126th New York State Volunteer Regiments at Gettysburg
R. L. Murray
Faces of the Civil War: An Album of Union Soldiers and Their Stories
Faces of the Confederacy: An Album of Southern Soldiers and Their Stories
Ronald S. Coddington